欢迎光临个人主页! 本站总访问量:


郝庆一, 汉族, 1976年12月出生, 安徽六安人, 博士, 教授, 硕士生导师。





研究方向: 计算数学、复杂系统、交通流理论和博弈论等。


  • Yao Zhang, Qing-Yi Hao*, Jia-Li Qian, Chao-Yun Wu, Yan Bi, The influence of the heterogeneities of social institutions and individuals’tendency to establish social institutions on cooperation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 186, 115250 (2024).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2024.115250 (SCI 一区)
  • Kong-Jin Zhu, Jun Zhu, Shao-Bo Cai, Xiang Ling, Chao-Yun Wu, Qing-Yi Hao, Ning Guo, Optimal time interval of information update using by exit-choice system to improve pedestrian evacuation efficiency, International Journal of Modern Physics C , (2024).
    https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129183124501389 (SCI 四区)
  • Ran Su, Zhi-Ming Fang, Qing-Yi Hao, Chun Sheng, Yuan-Jiao Fu, The evolution of cooperation affected by unidirectional acceptabilitymechanism on interdependent networks, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 184, 115030(2024).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2024.115030 (SCI 一区)
  • Ran Lv, Jia-Li Qian, Qing-Yi Hao*, Chao-Yun Wu, Ning Guo, Xiang Ling, The impact of reputation-based heterogeneous evaluation and learning on cooperation in spatial public goods game, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 181, 114668(2024).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114668 (SCI 一区)
  • Yao Zhang ,Qing-Yi Hao* , Jia-Li Qian , Chao-Yun Wu, Ning Guo , Xiang Ling, The cooperative evolution in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game with the local loyalty of two-strategy, Applied Mathematics and Computation 466, (2024) 128484.
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2023.128484 (SCI 二区,top)
  • Ning Guo, Wai Wong, Rui Jiang, S. C. Wong, Qing-Yi Hao, Chao-Yun Wu, Bicycle Flow Dynamics of Cyclist Loading and Unloading Processes at Bottlenecks, Transportation Science(2023).
    https://doi.org/10.1287/trsc.2023.0193 (SCI 二区)
  • Ran Lv, Jia-Li Qian, Qing-Yi Hao*, Chao-Yun Wu, Ning Guo, Xiang Ling, The impact of current and historical reputation with non-uniform change on cooperation in spatial public goods game, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 175, 113968(2023).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113968 (SCI 一区,top)
  • Ning Guo, Fei-Hong Jiang, Kong-Jin Zhu, Chao-Yun Wu and Qing-Yi Hao, The solid line prohibiting lane changing to improve traffic efficiency in the on-ramp merging area, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 11:1, 1218-1233(2023).
    DOI: 10.1080/21680566.2023.2190491 (SCI 二区)
  • Ran Su, Jia-Li Qian, Qing-Yi Hao*, Chao-Yun Wu, Ning Guo and Xiang Ling, Acceptability of strategy promotes cooperation in a spatial prisoner’s dilemma game, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 013402(2023).
    https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/acac73 (SCI 二区)
  • Hui-Min Liao, Qing-Yi Hao*, Jia-Li Qian, Chao-Yun Wu, Ning Guo and Xiang Ling, Cooperative evolution under the joint influence of local popularity and global popularity, Applied Mathematics and Computation 439, 127635(2023).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2022.127635 (SCI一区,top)
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu, Chao-Yun Wu, and Ning Guo, Analytical investigation on totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with Langmuir kinetics and a parallel update with two sub-steps, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 160, 112233(2022).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2022.112233 (SCI一区,top)
  • Xiang Ling, Bo Hua, Ning Guo, Kong-Jin Zhu, Jia-Jia Chen, Chao-Yun Wu, Qing-Yi Hao, Synchronization in multilayer networks through different coupling mechanisms, Chinese Physics B 31, 048901(2022).
    DOI 10.1088/1674-1056/ac2b19 (SCI三区)
  • Xiang Ling, Qing-Yang Liu, Bo Hua, Kong-Jin Zhu, Ning Guo, Ling-Lin Li, Jia-Jia Chen, Chao-Yun Wu, Qing-Yi Hao, Spatial groups and cyclic oscillations induced by positive correlation between moving direction and phase of mobile oscillators, Physics Letters A 452, 128428(2022).
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2022.128428 (SCI三区)
  • Xiang Ling, Wen-Bin Ju, Ning Guo, Kong-Jin Zhu, Chao-Yun Wu and Qing-Yi Hao, Effects of topological characteristics on rhythmic states of the D-dimensional Kuramoto model in complex networks, Chaos 32, 013118 (2022). https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0058747. (SCI二区)
  • Ning Guo, Rui Jiang, SC Wong, Qing-Yi Hao, Shu-Qi Xue, Mao-Bin Hu, Bicycle flow dynamics on wide roads: Experiments and simulation, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125,103012(2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2021.103012.(SCI一区)
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Jia-Li Qian, Chao-Yun Wu, and Ning Guo, Phase behaviors of counterflowing stream of pedestrians with site-exchange in local vision and environment, Physica A 567, 125688(2021).(SCI二区) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2020.125688
  • Chao-Yun Wu, Mao-Bin Hu*, Rui Jiang, Qing-Yi Hao, Effects of road network structure on the performance of urban traffic systems, Physica A 563,125361(2021). (SCI二区)
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu, Chao-Yun Wu, Hai Zhang, Bing-Bing Liu and Ning Guo, Investigation of attractive interactions in a self-driven unidirectional two-channel model with periodic and open boundaries, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 083302(2020). (SCI二区)
  • Ning Guo , Rui Jiang*, S.C. Wong*, Qing-Yi Hao, Shu-Qi Xue, Yao Xiao, Chao-Yun Wu, Modeling the interactions of pedestrians and cyclists in mixed flow conditions in uni- and bidirectional flows on a shared pedestrian-cycle road, Transportation Research Part B 139 , 259–284(2020). (SCI一区)
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu,Chao-Yun Wu, Yunxin Zhang, Ning Guo, Theoretical analysis and simulation of phase separation in a driven bidirectional two-lane system, Physical Review E 100, 032133 (2019). (SCI二区) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.032133
  • Chao-Yun Wu, Jie Chen, Qing-Yi Hao, Ming Li Mao-Bin Hu*, Improve traffic efficiency with advanced travel time feedback in urban networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 023404(2019). (SCI二区) https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ab00e9
  • HaiZhang, Qing-Yi Hao, Eisenhart lift for Euler' problem of two fixed centers, Applied Mathematics and Computation 350,305–312(2019). (SCI一区)
  • Ning Guo, Rui Jiang*,Qing-Yi Hao, Mao-Bin Hu, Bin Jia. Impact of holding umbrella on uni- and bi-directional pedestrian flow: experiments and modeling. Transportmetrica B 7(1): 897-914(2019). (SCI三区)
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Rui Jiang,Chao-Yun Wu,Ning Guo,Bing-Bing Liu, Yunxin Zhang, Theoretical analysis and computer simulation of dynamic processes for a driven diffusive two-lane system, Physical Review E 98, 062111(2018). (SCI二区) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.06211
  • Chao-Yun Wu, Ming Li,Rui Jiang,Qing-Yi Hao, Mao-Bin Hu*, Perimeter control for urban traffic system based on macroscopic fundamental diagram, Physica A 503, 231–242 (2018). (SCI三区) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2018.02.172
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu, Bin Jia. Dual phase separation in a two-dimensional driven diffusive system, Physics Letters A 381, 1543–1547 (2017). (SCI)
  • Ning Guo,Qing-Yi Hao, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hua, Bin Jia. Uni- and bi-directional pedestrian flow in the view-limited condition: Experiments and modeling, Transportation Research Part C 71, 63–85 (2016). (SCI)
  • Qing-Yi Hao*, Zhe Chen, Xiao-Yan Sun, Bing-Bing Liu, and Chao-Yun Wu. Theoretical analysis and simulation for a facilitated asymmetric exclusion process. Physical Review E 94, 022113 (2016). (SCI)
  • Qing-Yi Hao, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu, Bin Jia and Wen-Xu Wang. Exponential decay of spatial correlation in driven diffusive system: A universal feature of macroscopic homogeneous state, Scientific Reports 6, 19652 (2016). (SCI JCR : Q 1) https://doi.org/10.1038/srep19652
  • Qing-Yi Hao, Rui Jiang*, Mao-Bin Hu and Qing-Song Wu, Mean-field analysis for parallel asymmetric exclusion process with anticipation effect, Physical Review E 82, 022103 (2010). (SCI JCR : Q 1) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.82.022103
  • Qing-Yi Hao, Mao-Bin Hu, Xue-Qi Cheng, Wei-Guo Song, Rui Jiang* and Qing-Song Wu, Pedestrian flow in a lattice gas model with parallel update, Physical Review E 82, 026113 (2010). (SCI JCR: Q 1,他引11次) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.82.026113
  • Qing-Yi Hao, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu, Bin Jia and Qing-Song Wu, Pedestrian flow dynamics in a lattice gas model coupled with an evolutionary game, Physical Review E 84, 036107 (2011). (SCI JCR: Q 1,他引26次) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.036107
  • Qing-Yi Hao, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu and Qing-Song Wu, Unidirectional pedestrian flow in a lattice gas model couple with game theory, IEEE , 2011. ( EI )
  • Kai-Xuan Zhu, Nian Wang, Qing-Yi Hao, Qi-Yi Liu and Rui Jiang, Weakening interaction suppresses spontaneous symmetry breaking in two-channel asymmetric exclusion processes, Physical Review E 85, 041132 (2012). (SCI JCR: Q 1)
  • Xiao-Yan Sun, Rui Jiang, Qing-Yi Hao and Bing-Hong Wang, Phase transition in random walks coupled with evolutionary game, Europhysics Letters 92, 18003 (2010). (SCI JCR: Q 1,他引8次)
  • Xiao-Yan Sun, Qing-Yi Hao , Mu-Ren Liu and Bing-Hong Wang, Flow improvement by providing partial traffic information for road users, International Journal of Modern Physics C 22(2),1-9 (2011) . (SCI JCR: Q3)
  • 科研项目

    1. 主持安徽省自然科学基金面上项目:视野受限情形下的行人流及相关复杂系统的建模与实验研究(1908085MA22,已结题).

    2. 主持2014年安徽省教育厅自然科学基金重点项目:基于演化博弈的地铁站行人流动态特性及拥堵机理研究(KJ2014A139,已结题).

    3. 主持安徽省2014年高校优秀青年人才支持计划项目(已结题).

    4. 作为主要参研人参研国家自然科学基金面上项目:复杂网络上多尺度动力学粗粒化方法的发展与应用(11475003,已结题).

    5. 作为主要参研人参研国家自然科学基金面上项目:建筑火灾人群疏散中行人的微观运动特征分析与建模(51178445,已结题).

    6. 作为主要参研人参研国家自然科学基金面上项目:交通瓶颈特征与拥堵交通形态间的相关性研究(11072239,已结题).


  • 主讲课程

    数值计算方法; 数学建模;数学实验; 数学软件选讲;数学分析;高等代数;高等数学;线性代数.

  • 教学获奖

    1. 荣获第二届安徽省高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛一等奖.

    2. 荣获第二届全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛华东赛区二等奖.

    3. 多次指导学生参加大学生数学建模竞赛并获奖。其中指导学生参加2013年全国大学生数学建模竞赛荣获全国一等奖; 2019年指导两个队获赛区二等奖,一个队获赛区三等奖;2022年指导一个队获赛区三等奖。

  • 教研项目

  • 主持2023年安徽省高等学校省级重点教研项目:大学数学课程实验探究式创新教学模式的探索与实践.
  • 主持2019年安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目:数学学科拔尖学生培养计划.
  • 主持2015年校级教学质量与教学改革工程项目:基于智能手机平台的大学数学实验课程的设计与研究.
  • 参与2014年省级质量工程项目:高等代数大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)示范课程.
  • 参与2016年省级质量工程项目:高等数学教学团队.
  • 联系方式

    E-mail: haoqyi@126.com; haoqy@aqnu.edu.cn